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Hey, guys! Have you ever cheated on a partner or been cheated on by one?

A gay man on r/askgaybros asked, “Guys who have cheated, why?” The responses ranged from regretful confessions to unapologetic reflections, offering a glimpse into the complex reasons behind infidelity.

Some gay men cheated as a reaction to betrayal like this one commenter who shared: “Because he cheated on me and after I forgave him, he went and cheated on me again. Found out at a party we were at… I hooked up with a random dude at the party, doing it on the couch next to him.” While the story is dramatic, another user with a similar experience admitted, “I do regret it though. I was young and stupid. Now I’d just end it. Two wrongs don’t make a right.”

Others emphasized the emotional toll cheating would bring them. One user humorously wrote: “Okay well you see it happened like this so there was this guy right and then he was like… Ah, who am I kidding? I’d never cheat. Legit wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did.” For some, the guilt and self-reflection are enough to deter infidelity entirely.

Closeted relationships also contribute to cheating. One gay man recounted: “I was in the closet and in a relationship with a woman. Cheated about 5 times, all with men. Our relationship was finally ending and I was checked out by that time.” While he regrets his actions, he acknowledged that being closeted created a challenging dynamic that ultimately led to dishonesty.

Some responses offered a broader perspective on cheating. One commenter described it as a combination of unmet needs and cowardice: “Cheating is a sign of unmet needs and a cowardice at the same time to be honest about your feelings to your partner… If you’ve cheated or are thinking of cheating, all I can say is that the relationship is already doomed.” This perspective suggests that infidelity is often symptomatic of deeper relationship issues.

For others, cheating isn’t about regret or unmet needs—it’s simply about personal preferences. One user candidly admitted: “I’ve cheated on all my boyfriends, and honestly, I don’t feel bad about it. I’ve come to realize I’m not wired for monogamy… Maybe I just need to find relationships that align with that reality instead of pretending otherwise.” This highlights the importance of finding a relationship model that works for both partners.

Another response pointed to biology: “There are only one or two species on earth that are monogamous by nature, and the human species is not one of them.” While this view might seem reductive, it raises questions about the societal expectations surrounding monogamy.

What about you, Adam4Adam blog readers: have you ever cheated or been cheated on? What do you think drives people to stray from their partners? Is infidelity always a sign of a doomed relationship, or can couples work through it? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below—we’d love to hear your stories!

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