(Photo Credits: Volodymyr TVERDOKHLIB from Shutterstock)
A gay man online asked, “What do you guys eat to bottom better?” He added:
I’m proud of my sucking and deepthroating, but I can’t seem to get clean for actual anal. I’ve tried douching, invested in a bidet, and adjusted my habits, but nothing seems to work. Is it just diet? Any recommendations for food to make prep easier and anal play clean? I want to play on a whim without it being a whole ordeal.
If you’ve ever had similar concerns, clearly you’re not alone. Bottoming preparation can feel daunting, especially when you’re new to it. The good news? Many gay men have shared tips and advice to make the process smoother and more enjoyable.
Here are some popular advice from the gay community online:
One gay man said, “Eat more fiber and drink lots of water.” This is the most common and straightforward advice among gay men in the thread. Fiber helps regulate bowel movements, making it easier to clean out during prep. Drinking plenty of water keeps everything moving smoothly and prevents constipation.
On the other hand, someone posted, “Metamucil.” Metamucil, a psyllium fiber supplement, is a game-changer for many. Taken daily, it bulks up your stool and makes your system more predictable. Another gay agreed and said, “Start incorporating psyllium fiber supplements and drink plenty of water. But be careful if you’re on prescriptions, as it can interact with some medications.”
In addition, someone replied, “Respectfully, f the bottom dieting bullshit!” He passionately argued against extreme dieting: “Guys used to starve themselves of nutrients to the point of being medically unwell. Eat whatever you want, just drink lots of water and move your body. Fiber helps, coffee is a natural diuretic, and a shower douche attachment works wonders—but do your research to avoid harm. Also, it’s sex; it’s not meant to always be clean!”
Many recommend fasting a few hours before bottoming like this one who said, “Fast for 4-6 hours before sex.” One gay man also shared, “No dairy, beans, or fragrant veggies before play. Use a dildo in the shower to check your cleanliness, and don’t stress about a little mess. If a top can’t handle it, find a better one.”
Meanwhile, someone advised, “Ice chips.” For those fasting before bottoming, ice chips, according to this guy, can help curb hunger while keeping you hydrated. Crushed ice from the freezer is a popular go-to snack.
Lastly, one gay man advised, “Incorporate movement into your routine.” Exercise like walking or running can help regulate your digestive system, making prep easier. Staying active also has overall health benefits that support your body’s natural rhythm.
Here are a few tips for clean and confident play:
- Douching: Many swear by shower attachments for thorough cleaning, but it’s crucial to research safe practices. Over-douching or using too much pressure can harm the delicate rectal lining.
- Diet: A balanced diet with fiber-rich foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables can make a big difference. Avoid gas-inducing foods like beans or carbonated drinks before play.
- Mental prep: Remember, bottoming is a skill that improves with time. Listen to your body and don’t let minor accidents ruin the experience.
Every body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Adam4Adam blog readers, what’s your go-to routine for bottoming prep? Do you follow specific dietary guidelines, or do you prefer spontaneity? Share your tips and stories in the comments section below!
How can I get my butt clean like very clean and do guys like hairy holes or clean holes
What guys like will vary. Personally, I like whatever is natural. I like very hairy, smooth and everything in between.
A simple warm tap water enema is all that is required. I keep an old fashioned hot water bottle/vaginal douche set for my bottoms to use. Avoid the Fleets Enemas you see in stores. those are for constipation and can make your bowels get loose. there are also shower attachments that work well. Don’t use too much volume with each pass of the hose or you risk trapping fluid that will gush out when you get fucked,
I agree neon that is what I use warm soapy water
Warm tap water is not safe for inside the body, it contains lead, bacteria, parasites.
Where the HECK do you live?? In the East Congo??? lololololol
engage in oral sex and dispense with the anal cleansing routine far easier to brush and floss than douche?
Every guy is not going to be satisfied with just oral. Diversity is one of the spices of life.
agreed! I just commented on an alternate choice which is also an example of diversity
LOL!!! LOL!!! LOL !!!
Diversity is not good when it means spreading disease, dying of AIDS. There are limits to everything, especially “diversity.” Not to mention mindless liberal pablum.
first time i ever saw pablum in a commentary, Mr. Webster
Is that your SERMON for the DAY, week, month or YEAR?!?!?! 🙂
Oral sex is foreplay.
only if you are Bill Clinton… .
Don’t get in you head about it, relax. Routine is the thing, eat right, timing is important, mild douching….. That said , if your top guy is super hung and pounds you endlessly, all bets are off, it is what it is. Real life is not edited !!!!
I find that my clean out with the shower shot works best if I eat a regular meal. If my belly is empty because I don’t eat the night before my clean out sucks and takes longer.
Use a low flow of water, I prefer my water to be as warm as possible with about a 5 inch flow when held up right. Filling my hole in 15 count and then to a 30 count. Doing it in 3 sets.
Eat healthy and exercise daily and stay hydrated. Bathroom for a healthy person is squat, dump, wipe. If you’re sitting there for 15 minutes, you’re not taking care of your butt health. I just use a douche bulb when I feel the need. But remember, Shit Happens!
Best guide I’ve seen anywhere : https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com/
I’m into deep fisting and I use a 20″ flexible shower hose attachment, works great. It gets me clean for fisting so it will definitely get you clean to bottom.
Do you have the ER on speed dial?
I would encourage everyone take sugar-free Metamucil orange flavored powder supplement. It’s a life -changer. Each bowel movement comes out like pudding. The fecal matter don’t stain the stool and very little matter is on the toilet paper after you wipe. I feel so much lighter and stomach flatter since I started using Metamucil. I use a fleet bottle with plain warm water when I clean out and a little bit of scope mouth wash (alcohol-free) in the final rinse.
Fiber/roughage is important..but stay way for asparagus! It’s like chlorine in the pool….it can smell when there is not enough… asparagus will go straight through your guts before you can get home from the restaurant. Even urine smells….
Don’t douche so far into your colon as you won’t get all the water out…and that is what causes the “mess”. There are videos on YouTube about effective cleaning and prep to bottom. Well worth the watch. https://youtu.be/MhlvVV8Qmwk
I’m not having that issue with asparagus, but I only buy it when it is extremely thin, and don’t use the bottom third of the stem.
Who cares what’s on your shopping list and how you prepare it…stick to the topic!
How to have FUN BUTT SEX …. https://youtu.be/MhlvVV8Qmwk
Gross. This is partly why bottoming is so wrong. Your colon is part of your digestive tract and needs to have its bacteria intact, not cleaned out. It can be damaged. Not to mention stds, and sphincter damage. He can rub his cock between your thighs, and that way, you can do it face-to-face.