(Photo Credits: Halay Alex from Shutterstock)
Some of us are either into dick pics or ass pics, while others are into chest pics. Or maybe they are into all of the above because, why not?
If you love chest pics, then you are in luck because there’s an abundance of it right now on Twitter/X thanks to this guy’s post. The original poster (OP), said: “Quote this with you(r) best chest pic of 2023 pls.”
The post has since then garnered 30.6 million views, and as of this writing, has earned thousands of shares and hundreds of comments. We’re posting some of them here, a pity we can’t post the too-sexy ones, eh?
The gay men’s reaction to the viral post shows the undeniable allure of sculpted chests within the LGBTQ+ community. When Bony to Beastly asked gay men which muscle groups they found most attractive in a 2021 survey, would you believe that majority of them answered chest (46%)? This is followed by arms (15%), legs (14%), shoulders (11%), abs (7%), and back (5%).
What about butts, you ask?
Interestingly, only a minimal 2% of respondents identified butt muscles as the most attractive. Do you agree with these findings, guys? Aren’t you a butt person, too?
Whatever the case is, we leave you with some of our favorite posts. Go have a look at the thread here and find yours.
Wishing you all a Happy Wednesday!
Body parts do not make the man.
Focusing on the “best” and “favorites” encourages body shaming, dysphoria and division.
A guy could have a great looking chest … and be an ass.
A guy could have a great looking face … and be an ass.
A guy could have a great looking ass… and be an ass.
A guy could look like a troll and be an awesome guy you’re glad is in your life.
Hey guy. No disrespect intended but it’s okay for a person to care about their body enough to work hard and try to eat well to keep it in shape. It don’t make them bad nor does it make them an ass. I see guys of all ages working out in my gym just trying to be the best version of themselves. I admire guys with nice chest, azz, legs, abs, arms, etc. I also admire guys who are charming, nice, respectful, caring, etc. Some guys are azz- holes and some guys are awesome!!! I do understand what you’re saying… Read more »
As always, you can be counted upon to elicit an impressive commentary!
Just tired of all the negativity. Those young men with those defined chests look amazing. Of course a person’s character/substance are much more important than what they look like. We all agree on that!!
A chest is part of the “Package” and A4A asks their subscribers to comment on
their “Favorite Chests” not the mindset of those favorite chests.
Actually, it does, because it does nothing to feed their mind. The body alone is a wasteland.
You are introducing a variable upon the “raison d’etre” of the Blog.
The Blog asks its members’ for commentaries on what they think is their
“Ideal” of a male’s –
Homo Sapiens, Sapiens’ chest!
This blog does not ask for commentaries about with the
merits of who
possess the “Ideal”
Let’s not put the “Cart-Before-The-Horse”!
You know, I understand Hunter0500’s response, but the subject ‘is’ about our “favorite chest pics of the year.”
His response; like my immediate thought, rather than reaction; is the 100% focus on one’s physical looks only/primarily; shallowness, the whole “meat-market” thing. . .
Tiring from both aspects/sides actually, whether it’s you or the other guy being objectified,
You know we do that all too often, period.
Maybe it’s some sort of PTSD, perhaps, lol, I mean, yeah, once or ‘if’ you mature and grow-up, the more important aspects (the character) of one’s being ‘should’ come into play, as well.
Reality dictates another response…
It is and has always been about “The Package”. Society dictates the “Package” not
the individual as the individual is raised and encultured as part of society.
Hence, objectivity is rarely ever called upon; Subjectivity always makes itself known!
Lmao, “The Package” is actually some guy’s avatar on here. But to your point, some actual substance/character; specifically good character, gotta be careful what one asks-prays for.
That reminds me of the hunky, humpy queens who have squeaky high-pitched voices.
Posting what’s on whatever is not good copy.