(Photo Credits: Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels)

Hey, Adam4Adam readers, we have a question for you: do you prefer to have sex with lights on, off, or dim? Why or why not?

If you are someone who loves to have sex with lights on, then are you perhaps single? 

If your answer is yes, then it is not so surprising. A study found that single people in particular prefer to keep their lights on during sex as opposed to people who are in a relationship or married. Sixty percent of married people, according to the study, preferred having sex in the dark.

Moreover, the study revealed that new couples, specifically those who have been into the relationship for six months, are the ones who are more likely to want the lights on at 55%. On the other hand, 52 percent of their survey participants who have been in a relationship for two to three years already “approve of having some additional light during those intimate moments.” 

Though the genders of the survey participants were not factored in, there were previous studies stating that men are “strongly visual,” thus there is prevalent notion that they are more likely the ones who prefer having sex with the lights on. How true is this for you?

Anyway, previous researches suggest that having sex with the lights on increases sexual satisfaction. But why is it that more people prefer to keep the lights off? The study mentioned two reasons being: firstly, the darkness helps couples “feel less conscious of their body or insecurities” and secondly, because “sensory deprivation can also be good for keeping things spicy in the bedroom.”

As to why people want to keep the lights on while having sex, they say it’s so they can see what and who they’re doing. 

But what about you guys? What do you prefer and why? Share with us your thoughts and stories in the comments section below!

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