(Photo Credits: Kampus Production from Pexels)

Hey, guys! Do you have tips and techniques for more enjoyable and better sex? Can you make sex more satisfying and more pleasurable?

Often, we read threads about this topic such as this one wherein the original poster (OP) reveals that “penetrative sex hurts and is uncomfortable” for him and how could he and his partner make anal sex feel better?

First and foremost, anal sex requires lubrication because, well, the anus does not self-lubricate. Therefore, you and your partner need to ensure that the bottom is well-lubricated by using lubes.

As we all know, there are mainly three types of lubes namely: silicone-based lubes, water-based lubes, and oil-based lubes. We scoured the internet for other gay men’s favorite lubes and some of the brands mentioned were Tenga Hole Lotion, Passion Lube Maximum Strength, and Astroglide. What about you Adam4Adam blog readers, what are your favorite lubes for backdoor fun and why?  

Secondly, you also need to communicate. Does it hurt, does it feel good? You have to tell each other what you feel for you and your partner to enjoy sex more.

And I know we already said it, but if it hurts, the top needs to stop and listen to his bottom. Apply more lube. Relax. Maybe consider other positions.

Anyway, what do other gay men on the aforementioned thread think about the topic?

Well, one guy replied:

It takes some getting used to and it’s quite possible it’s (anal sex) not for you.

That being said, always start slow even if you’ve had proper preparation. And one thing to keep in mind is where the prostate is. It’s on the ‘front wall’ of the anus and only a few inches in. That’s the male G-spot.

Meanwhile, another guy responded, “Sometimes, changing position alleviates the pain, i.e. pillows under your butt to elevate it, missionary, doggie, side, etc.”

Having said all that, what about you, guys? How do you make sex more pleasurable for bottoms? Please don’t forget to comment below and share with us your thoughts and stories!

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