(Photo Credits: Johnny Edgardo Guzman from Pexels)

Are you the eternal bachelor or are you the marrying type, guys? 

We are asking because we stumbled upon Vulture’s interview with the 80-year-old openly gay director Joel Schumacher where he revealed that he’s had about 10,000 or 20,000 partners already, “but that is not unusual,” Schumacher added. Schumacher, by the way, is the director behind the films: St. Elmo’s Fire (1985), The Lost Boys (1987), Flatliners (1990), The Client (1994),  A Time to Kill (1996),  Batman Forever (1995), Batman & Robin (1997), Phone Booth (2002), The Phantom of the Opera (2004), to name a few.

Schumacher went on to describe a time of his life where, and we quote:

There was an adventure going on, and sex would be the cherry on that sundae. Now, a lot of gay people are getting married, they’re adopting, or they’re having children. There wasn’t any of that when I was young. If you went into a gay bar and there were 200 men in there, and you said, “Okay, who wants to have a little house with a white picket fence, and a dog, and a child, raise your hands,” or “Who wants to get laid tonight?” The concept of a lovely suburban life or raising children was not a high concept.

But no, he doesn’t think it’s strange that gay men wanted to get married and have kids of their own because “AIDS had changed a lot,” he said. Schumacher further explained, “We all had to look at sex, not only as it could kill you, but how reckless we had become as a culture.” Read the interesting interview in full here.

Personally, I think that it could also be because same-sex marriage was not legal yet at the time so why would one want something that was not an option to begin with? But indeed, times have changed. In fact, a study revealed that the bias against the LGBT community has declined significantly in the US these days as well as in some countries although homophobia and transphobia remain strong in many others. Or maybe, it’s that regardless of LGBT acceptance and legalization of same-sex marriage, there really are just some people who are simply, you know, not the marriageable kind. And that is fine, too, if that’s what makes them happy but that’s just me.  

Anyway, going back to the question at hand, are you the eternal bachelor or are you the marrying type? Also, how many guys did you sleep with so far? We already said this before here on the A4A blog but we’ll say it again: Whatever a person’s number is, what matters is they practice safe sex and that they had not hurt or forced anyone to bed—themselves or the other party.

Share with us your thoughts and stories in the comments section below, guys, and don’t forget to answer our survey while you’re at it! 

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