(Photo Credits: AJR_photo from Shutterstock)
Do you find men with mustaches attractive, guys? I personally think that mustaches don’t suit everyone, some people look good with them, and some don’t. But what about you, what do you think?
Anyway, we’re bringing this up because someone on Twitter posted a statement on mustaches recently that got the gay netizens talking. It reads: “In the LGBTQ+ community, there are two types of gays: pro-mustache and anti-mustache.”
Some of the gay men expressed that they’re pro-mustaches, while others said they’re anti, although there were also some who go for both and then there are those who are in the middle. “I don’t really like it, but I don’t hate it either,” quips one respondent while another one wrote, “I am firmly in the anti-camp. They will kill my attraction to a guy so fast.”
We scoured the internet to check what others think. Here’s what one gay man had to say about it: “From my very recent experience of having a stache is that it is polarizing. Some men love it and some hate it, it’s never just a meh response. I have found it keeps the under-25 crowd away which is nice actually.”
Do you agree with him?
Reportedly, rocking a mustache became the facial hair trend among gay men in the 70s and 80s, it’s a trend that began in 1969 after the Stonewall Riots. Arnie Kantrowitz, a retired college professor in Manhattan featured in the 2005 documentary Gay Sex in the 70s said,“It was a requirement in the gay community. You needed a flannel shirt, mustache or beard, bomber jacket, jeans, and boots. We were dressing like the blue-collar men that turned us on.” Read more here.
But why do people grow facial hair? Well, the survey says self-expression plays the most important role when it comes to deciding whether to wear a mustache or not plus respondents say sporting a stache makes them “feel more feminine and attractive.”
So, mustache, what are your thoughts on this one, guys? Comment below!
Mustaches are good!
A big fat no since I go for the younger “pretty boy” look. That said, the first guy I was ever with back in the late 1970s when I was 18 and he was probably in his late 20s, I initially rejected when he came onto me (in a mens room of all places) because he had one of those Village People-type mustaches and it turned me off. But I stopped, thought “this is what I’ve wanted to try” and said OK. He took me to his apartment and we had amazing sex, albeit a one-off.
Love a mustache! Very hot…
Moustaches can be very sexy, depending on the guy. On Burt Reynolds, it was hot.
I agree. Also Tom Selleck, Steve Harvey, Billy Dee Williams.
Sorry, gross, no. NO NO NO NO NO! Most of them look like worms, have that “pedo” rap, or they’re so thick they just look ridiculous. Biggest turnoff. Not sure who decided they were a good idea, they aren’t.
A-men to that, Eric. See my post above.
yes, Eric. Smooth shaven, preppy look works for me. Don’t get me started on Van Dyke, full beards.
I love scruff but moustaches turn me off; even if the guy is hot.
I agree but for some men and style, a moustache can look good but I find it rare
There’s a super hot guy in my area but he has a nasty thin mustache and it’s the biggest turn off, like literally I want to put a bag over his head.
Agreed! Scruff, goatee to full beard. No thanks to a lip ferret or the face-frame (Amish type). They’re equally a turn off for kissing, too.
There’s much more for gay men than just being “pro-mustache” or “anti-mustache.” The world is never that simple, regardless of the topic. Some guys hate mustaches. They don’t like the look of mustaches on any other guy. They don’t like their feel during sex. Some guys love mustaches. They love them on all guys. And they love their feel, especially when used to creatively brush certain parts of the body during sex. Some guys will take them or leave them because they realize some guys look good with their mustaches and some guys do not. Some have full, bushy ones… Read more »
Must you “Shake-A-Finger” at everything?
We are fully aware that Man can be beautiful regardless of any one attribute.
The blog was just a
little tidbit about whether wearing a Mustache can be sexy?
I do love your “Critical Analysis” and “Scrutinization” of each and every tidbit that comes this
way –
but, really…about a little-‘ole mustache?
Isn’t that like the proverbial fight scene in Jurassic Park
where the “Raptor Attacks The T-Rex”!
Come on Kasper, I’m with Hunter on this one. Besides, that T-Rex pissing off the Raptor is a good analogy of what Hunter was talking about. And if you noticed, neither one sported a mustache!!!
Another aficionado of Hunter0500?
We all love him but he does need to be acknowledged…appropriately!
Believe it or not, there are times I’m with you on certain subjects. This time I happen to side with Hunter. Do continue to keep us on our toes, I enjoy reading your opinions.
Just responding to “In the LGBTQ+ community, there are two types of gays: pro-mustache and anti-mustache.” There aren’t just two … and thank God for variety and our ability to appreciate the buffet of men He has given us!
“Infinitesimal mustache”!
Care to reply?
You got off topic. The posting even states there those in the middle who can either take them or leave them because they don’t care either way. The posting just asked what is your opinion of mustache, not entire book about other attributes attitude, other physical attributes, etc), and how life is not that simple, etc etc etc.
NOT! Any “face fuzz” or body hair obstructs the natural beauty of the body.
Clean shaven & smooth all the way.
So naturally hairy guys are not sexy and they should shave because the act of shaving is natural. Got it!
Did I say ANYTHING about shaving? No! I prefer naturally smooth men.
Oh hey sorry. When you said “Clean shaven & smooth all the way” I musta mistakenly thought you meant “Clean shaven & smooth all the way.” It just didn’t occur to me that “Clean shaven & smooth all the way” meant “Naturally smooth.”
Because it doesn’t. Sounds like Southerbiosb is another one of Father Hennipen’s handles. Just ignore the troll.
Funny how y’all want to trash other people’s opinions, but expect us to believe yours are right. Got it.
Laughable. You literally said clean shaven and said you didn’t, yet it’s right there in black and right.
ooops, black and white.
I’ve loved seeing a mustache ever since my dad grew one after leaving the military. Then a friend referred to his as his flavor saver, made me jealous cuz I couldn’t grow one. Then the first time I got rimmed by a guy with a nice well trimmed stache… Now i look for men sporting a nice stache. So yeah I like a nice one…
No. I think “Village People” or 70s porn star when I see a stache. Very unattractive.
Mustaches are hot !
I find guys with neatly trimmed facial hair sexy. Not a deal breaker by all means, because I find clean shaven guys hot as well. Guys over 190 pounds are a added plus!!!!
I’m guessing that’s a typo and should read more masculine not more feminine. Lol
I like mustaches and beards that are long to rub against my hole.
That picture isn’t a real moustache; half of it is missing. This is a manly moustache….
moustaches are super-HOT! (Clipped or shaved pubes are disgusting)
Eugene Levy’s eyebrows as a mustache… also not sexy. EEEwwww
It depends. Thin pencil mustaches, small “Hitler” mustaches, or overly manicured ones are not sexy, in my opinion. Big neatly kept bushy ones are hot. Fu Man Chu types look good on certain guys. It also depends on the guy. Some guys look good with a mustache. Some, not so much. It’s very subjective for me.
Guys who lack thick facial hair or good coverage rarely have mustaches or beards or scruff which is flattering. Also, guys with short upper lips don’t have enough space to grow a good-looking mustache, resulting again in a non-flattering look. One needs to take a good look at one’s OWN body and face and make choices about what looks good on them, not on what might be in fashion at the time.
I have the whole Wilford Brimley look going so l don’t mind the big gray stache looking back at me in the mirror.
If it bothers you to the point that you won’t share a moment and suck my dick because your panties are in a wad, then it’s really your problem and not mine.
I love having one When a guy pulls out most love to see their cum left behind and want to watch me lick it off….
That is a sexy mustache. Love it!
Ugh, some guys just drive me fucking wild, man, those handsome mouths, like a lion’s mussel. Even guys with no lips, lmao, look more appealing with facial hair in general, let alone a good full-trimmed stache. I can’t grow a really good one, but I love what have. I just think it makes a man’s mouth more alluring.
My mustache was a gift to myself for my 26th birthday (1978) and has NEVER been shaved off. They may be considered passé, but it is truly a matter of personal choice. I pay far more attention to a gentleman sporting a well-trimmed ‘cookie duster’.
I find Mustaches SEXY!!! I am so happy for them to return…..
Very Very Hot especially if nicely trimmed along with a nicely trimmed beard even better. May be weird for some but I also like a guy with shaved head but have facial hair.
Hmmm… For me it depends on the guy. Some can rock them and some can’t.
YES! Besides a bubble butt and wink, a mustache will turn my head. One of my first random one-nighters happened following a chance meeting in line at my bank. We hit it off, he followed me to my studio, and after that first lip lock, clothes started flying. We exchanged numbers and met a couple more times. He was a fantastic top!
I like a guy with a mustache; but not every guy looks good with a mustache. If its full and well trimmed I love it. And sometimes a guy with just a mustache will remind me of porn stars from the 1970’s. Wimpy or wispy mustaches do nothing for me. That unfortunately is a genetic thing and no man can do much about it. I prefer guys with full beards over mustaches. And I prefer shorter well trimmed beards over long scruffy beards. And again some guys just do not look good with a full beard either. If is too… Read more »
Freddie Mercury 70’s pornstar staches? Instant turn-off. I don’t like any facial hair apart from neatly trimmed sideburns or maybe a little stubble (more of a tactile thing than visual).
Never … mustaches are awful. Nothing sexy about them! No one should ever cover up a beautiful face with facial hair.
For the most part, I don’t really like a mustache. The worst in recent memory was Patrick Wisdom, a baseball player with the Chicago Cubs. I played baseball in college, and Mr. Wisdom hits all my buttons…but that mustache made him look like a cheesy ’70’s porn star (and not in a good way). He looks so much hotter either clean-shaven, or with some neatly trimmed scruff.
LOVE a mustache on guys. Always have. Also a beard, but some clean shaved guys also tend to turn me on.
moustaches are great. so are beards
Sex and the city skit here.
Mustaches do not femenize me(last sentence of article). 25 and under veer away from mustaches, and I enjoyed mine while around 25 coz huge razor burns, all the time. Got it under control for the most part these days. Definitely stereotyping, more erotic and exposed eros:agape with younger dating and no mustaches; compared to older men with mustaches… I’m looking at the six pack anyways.
No. I like the clean shaven look.
Moustaches look great on some people and ridiculous on others. Just like beards. I grew up with a perpetual hard-on over Zorro, so I’ve always had a weak spot for Latino guys with a moustache 🙂
I am clean shaven but mustaches are a yes for me they turn me on.
They don’t look good on every guy. Check out mustachioed Jonathan Bailey as Tim in ’70s/early ’80s San Francisco. Cary Elwes is another who should forgo a mustache. Both Brits look far better without one. Generalizing, I’d say darker Mediterranean types and black guys look better with staches than pasty white boys, but there are exceptions. The trend for the last few years is to have a goatee, scruff or a beard along with a mustache. This works well with all kinds of ethnicities. See Irish beauty Jamie Dornan in The Fall and Texas pretty boy Matt Bomer, although they… Read more »