Would you say that you are a sexual person? And how do you define the term “sexual person,” anyway? Is it someone who loves to have sex? Masturbate? Are they someone who loves to flirt, talk about sexual things, or are they the ones who love to experiment and explore their desires and kinks in bed?

We are asking because someone brought this up on askgaybros; he said on his post, “I know people love sex and everything and more power to you but sometimes I feel boxed in when I’m not really a sexual person haha.” He added, “Like I don’t have an issue with people being sexual but it just kinda sucks when interacting with gay guys it’s a lot about sex when I’m just looking for cuddles. Idk. Does anyone else have this problem?”  

Naturally, many people weighed in on the matter. Some of them confessed that they “enjoy, seek out, and crave sex” while others revealed they are not sexual at all but rather they are “asexual” (Asexuals, or ace for short, is the term used for “someone who is not sexually attracted to anyone” and it is believed that at least 1% of people are asexuals. Although they are not sexually attracted to anyone, it doesn’t mean that they can’t be romantically attracted to other people. A biromantic asexual for example, is someone who is “not sexually attracted to anyone, but is romantically attracted to males and females” although they asexuals also be aromantic or people who do not experience romantic attraction to anyone).  

That being said, other respondents on the thread pointed out that “people in general are very sexual” and that this has nothing to do with sexual orientation at all. But what do studies say? Well, a previous survey result revealed that straight men have had more or less around the same number of sexual partners as gay men although the survey did show that 2% of their gay respondents have had sex more than the rest. 

Never mind what the studies or what other people say guys, what about you? Would you say that you are a sexual person? Do others see you this way as well? Why or why not? Lastly, do you agree with their perception that gay culture is too sexual? Share with us your thoughts and stories in the comments section below! 

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