Image credit: People Magazine Instagram page (@people)
Together with his new son Wyatt, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper makes history as the two of them make the cover of People Magazine’s first-ever Pride issue. The news was revealed by People Magazine on its Instagram page.
In the photo caption, Cooper shares that as a 12-year-old boy just realizing he is gay, the idea of becoming a father was something that he didn’t even entertain. According to him, it was always upsetting that he would never be able to have a child.
Cooper first let the world know about his son Wyatt Morgan Cooper early last month after a global town hall on the global coronavirus pandemic. After the town hall, Cooper shared pictures of his son, who weighed seven pounds and two ounces when he was born. It was also during this announcement that he first expressed his worries about hot being able to have a child.
The name of Cooper’s son comes from both sides of his family, with Wyatt coming from his father, Wyatt Emory Cooper, who died during open-heart surgery when Cooper was only 10-years old. Morgan, meanwhile, came from his mother Gloria Vanderbilt’s side of the family. Vanderbilt died last year of stomach cancer.
Just like most parents, Cooper says having Wyatt has made him “invested in the future like never before.”
“There’s something about having a child that makes you feel connected to what is happening and you want to make sure that the world this child is growing up in is a better one. You suddenly worry much more about the future of all of us,” he told People.
Cooper is co-parenting with his ex-boyfriend, Benjamin Maisani, who he says has become a crybaby like him ever since Wyatt came into their lives.
“I cry at things I never cried at before. And Benjamin, I’ve never seen him cry, but I couldn’t believe how weepy he gets with Wyatt. I find myself being overwhelmed with emotion, and it’s a lovely thing,” Cooper shared.
In-as-much-as-I-am-happy-for-Anderson… Having a child is for “Inheritance Sake” as, “doubtingly,” a son will ensure that his estate passes, quietly and efficiently, without probate and without the exorbitant financial ramifications associated with no heir. . Also, Anderson has at least one Trust Fund, set up by his father, mother or both and with an heir, the Trust()s will remain intact and continue…unabated. The child may have been created, in vitro, from a donated egg, perhaps from a Lesbian or a trusted female friend, and his sperm, taken from his testicles via a syringe and injected into the donated egg?… Read more »
N.Z.H. – I couldn’t agree with you more! Especially the last paragraph. I hate to think that the state will get my holdings and that my personal artwork will wind up in the trash or at a flea market.
I am glad that you recognized a truism facing us Gay Males.
Anderson already knew what we know and so, he prepared. I have no interest to procreate to pass along my possessions as I have no interest in a child.
I have been accused of being selfish; instead, accuse me of being realistic. Anderson is becoming irrelevant and so, his “Newborn” will become relevant and prosperous.
i like art 🙂 Finishing up fixing up dad’s house with lots of empty wall space. haha
Thomas Kuzmo:
Enjoy fixing up Dad’s House and live in it, hopefully, with your father? I hope he is alive?
If not, enjoy living in what-is-now-your-house, with your father’s spirit…everywhere!
Donate it to a charity! Geeze.
The answer to your inheritance issue is easy – will it to a friend or friends. With respect to your finances, etc., you can make them POD accounts which will pass to the listed survivors and won’t have to go through probate. You’ll need a will for the house(s) or you can deed it to a trust in which you maintain control of the asset(s) for whomever you list as a beneficiary. As for the cars and other items, a simple will should suffice.
That’s how I have mine set up – everything is in the trust with me as trustee except the car – NC treats a trust car as a business vehicle and has exorbitant taxes so it remains personal and the will leaves everything to the trust for the beneficiaries of the trust.
Libertarian: Every thing I possess is owned by a Trust. It was set up around the earliest part of The Twentieth Century. The Trust is irrevocable and so, I can not interact with it. It self-perpetuates unless there is no hereditary recipient. Should that occur, the Trust passes to it originator(s) which would be my father’s family, in England. They can come to The United States and maintain the trust by living in the house and managing it or the house must be sold and its contents can either be shipped back to England or sold off… Read more »
You missed a lot in the article. The later assumption that he had sperm taken by syringe …. goes way off mark. SO, let’s back up a bit. Being gay doesn’t mean you cannot use traditional ways to impregnate and why is this even discussion? Anyone who wants a child can figure out how to make and raise a child. and for many, loving chidren already in need of parents, adopting, and marrying into families with existing children has ALWAYS been a thing too, so why is it that if a gay man wants a child, anyone is discussing the… Read more »
Ramtrap: Don’t you think it is rather specious that Anderson would publicize his son within a year after his mother’s death? I guarantee you that Anderson and his mother discussed the need for an heir prior to her death. Gloria was well aware of the child’s existence prior to her death and Anderson had his mother’s blessing. Also, Anderson declaring that his son is a “Dream Come True” is publicity as Anderson would wait until his 50s to have a son? It was necessity that caused that child to be born. A wealthy man can always… Read more »
I don’t understand the need for co-parenting with the ex-boyfriend. Is there a legal component that we are missing? What happens when Cooper finds a new main squeeze?
I am so happy for Anderson. I hope I get the chance to be a father one day.
It’s very nice to know that Anderson Cooper is happy with his baby but really! Why the HELL is he on the cover instead of George Floyd? Why is the white,gay guy more important than the black guy killed by the cops? Seriously, the editor needs to be FIRED along with the staff! Anderson Cooper is NOT more important than what’s going on right now in this country at all. People Magazine please do NOT use Pride month as an excuse for this selfish reasoning to sell your magazine rag. Shame on People Magazine,shame!
Hey Nick, they made a Pride Issue, why would George Floyd be on the cover? Maybe next month George Floyd will be for BLM movement, who knows. But this cover was a pride cover, and was probably shot months ago, before the pandemic.
Calm down. It’s a pride issue for June.
Anderson and Andy Cohen appeared on Who Wants to be a Millionaire for charities a week ago. It was great to see two professional, intelligent, classy gay guys in the media spotlight. There was none of the usual endless sex references, high-pitched whining, and self-centeredness often presented by gays once they’re in front of cameras.
Was a fan of Anderson’s reporting until he became unable to report on anything that did not have a negative slant on Conservative politics. Wish he would return to covering a variety of topics in the great way he did earlier in his career.
are gays with high pitch voice and more fem less deserving to be heard for you?
No more or less. That’s the point. There’s nothing wrong with gay men who do or don’t fit the stereotype. Since Anderson and Andy were guests in the show, there’s an indication that the media sees diversity in gay men while The Community lags in the past pressing to keep the stereotype alive.
Perhaps, Hunter0500 would prefer…
legs raised so high…that God could grab them…
Legs spread so wide…that God could save them…?
Some of the many many options available, N.Z.H.! One bud said years ago, “Gay men. They’re like a giant buffet. You never know what’s going to come along next.”
Nice to read…
that you are still with us and continuing to add your own two cents…to these Dave-inspired Blogs!
I knew, eventually, that something I would post would grab your unfailing Attention and Witt and spur you to write, as usual, a suitable reaction to my proliferate contributions to Dave’s world!
N.Z.H. grabbed my attention a while ago. In a good way. I may be $.02. You’re usually good for a half dollar. And, unlike some, we do leave space for others, even if they happen to be on the other side of the coin.
Maybe you should start your own blog on topics you can have your own slant on and stop complaining.
He simply made/took a stance against the immorality, like Colin Powell did, “for reasons of morality.” He chose well, in light of the negatives of the conservative party, after-all, at some point in life you have to choose between right and wrong based on what one sees and hears/witnesses.
Increasingly, there’s no room for “see no evil-hear no evil” that’s for people with their head up their asses; even buried in the sand, psychosis as is extreme, presently (tRump)
As a pragmatist, I so no crime here as it pertains to his fortune, it’s not his fault, nor is there any; who he is, I’d do exactly the same thing if it were me. Much earlier in my life, I’ve knew a tall athletic beautiful black lesbian as a friend, I thought like that; her genetics and mine. I’ve known other gay men who have thought about, wanted the same thing, fatherhood. All the experiences good and bad in caring/raising/nurturing the rewarding experience of it; their milestones, their laughs and giggles, comforting them, etc. It’s not for the empty-hearted… Read more »
a child needs a father rather than a grandpa … He’s way too old to have a child. that’s an extremely selfish decision.
age is not a disadvantage …as Anderson will provide guidance, security and privilege to his son with a plethora of peripheral help.
Money provides Servants and Anderson’s net worth is about %110,000, 000. With such a nice fortune, Daddy will see that his son will have a suitable surrogate; plus, Anderson is only 52.
My Dad was 50 and my Mother was 48 when I was born in 1946. My mother had a spontaneous birth, with minimal labor and absolutely no complications. My brother, a Vietnam Casualty, was 12 years older than I. He was born in 1934.
Ok, now can we have an article about a Gay Republican
And after that? One about a Gay Christian? Everybody knows no one is Gay and Conservative or Gay and Christian. Geez.
When life gives you (Don) Lemon’s, make babies
I was hesitant about responding to this subject but I wonder how his son will feel when he get about 13 or 14 years old about having 2 dads. With peer pressure the way it is nowadays I wonder how his straight friends will react to that. I wonder will Anderson’s son be embarrassed. Just wondering out loud. I’m not sure how this is going to play out. A lot of this is going so hopefully this will be a smooth journey. I also wonder would it be smoother or better for 2 gay guys to raise a girl…..
When your Daddy is Anderson Cooper, you are not subject to peer pressure. You will be in a private boarding school where you will be around other Liberals who will think it so cool to have two daddies!
The son will be a “Cause Celebre.” The last name of “Cooper” is neither aristocratic nor prominent. Wyatt is a “Vanderbilt” and his grandmother was “Gloria.”
Young Gloria had a tumultuous childhood but, young Wyatt will have a Divine Life; Daddy will see-to-it.
Remember: “The Apple Never Falls Far From The Tree.”
I hope this is an adoption, and not a selfish sperm donation.