Image credit: from Pexels

They say that men are visual creatures, so if you’re going to attract one, you really need to hit them with a compelling image. There’s no better place where this is illustrated than in a dating app, where your profile photo is going to be the first thing that people see.

If you’re looking for tips on how to improve your profile picture game, then you’ve come to the right place. Here are five tips you can use so that your profile photo works for you and not against you.

1. Pick a photo that matches the kind of attention you want to get

It’s fair to say that dating apps are just as much for hooking up as they are for finding a relationship. Whatever you’re looking for is totally okay! But if you’re looking for a specific kind of attention, make sure that your profile photo reflects that. You say that you’re looking for a long-term relationship, but all the photos on your profile are headless abs shots. It sends a confusing message and you really can’t blame the people messaging you if all they want is to hook up.

2. Make sure the photos are recent

Someone took a photo of you back in 2009 where you looked really, really good. You certainly can’t be blamed if you really like that photo. But if you use that decade-old photo as your profile picture, it might not look like the way you do now, no matter how much you want it to be. Using a recent photo represents you better and you don’t have to worry about being accused of catfishing.

3. Make sure your face can be clearly seen

If you’re looking for a relationship, you can’t expect people to want to meet you if you can’t even show your face. People are going to think twice if all your photos are either blurry or has your face obscured either by sunglasses or a hat. Learn what your best angle is so you can confidently take photos that you know show you off at your best. Keep in mind that guys with face pic in their profile, get up to 55% more chance to meet. At least have one in your Private Photos.

4. Don’t use a group photo in your profile

Unless all the people in that photo are going to be part of that “relationship” or that hookup, there is no reason for you to have a group photo as your profile picture and it won’t be approved by our photo approval team anyways, so don’t waste your time. People are looking to have a relationship or hook up with you, so blur out other people’s face or simply cut them off the photo with the photo editor.

5. Pick action shots that show off your features

Everybody’s got a gym selfie on their profile, and adding your own to that crowd isn’t going to make you stand out. Use action shots instead. Do you have a picture of yourself playing soccer shirtless? One picture of yourself at the beach in Mykonos?Use that. Not only do you display your body, but you also show them the kinds of activities you are interested in.

That’s just some of the tips we can share. Now make sure to update your photos right now on your profile. If you are using the app, open it and tap your profile in the top left corner, then tap on the camera icon to update your photos or simply sort them to freshen them up. For the guys using the website or mobile website, click “My Account” and use the drop down menu until “Manage Photos”.

Any of our Adam4Adam blog readers have any tips they want to share about what they think is the best profile picture? We want to hear about it in the comments section below!

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