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What does it mean to be desirable in the LGBTQ+ world?

In a recent post on the popular subreddit askgaybros, a user posed a thought-provoking question that sparked a lively discussion: “What are the top 3 characteristics most desired in the gay community according to your experience?” This question delved into the perceptions and experiences of individuals within the LGBTQ+ community, highlighting how certain traits are often valued.

The user shared their own perspective, listing their top three traits as follows: “1- Being White 2- Being Muscular 3- Being Young.” These characteristics, he said, reflect common stereotypes and preferences that are often discussed within the community. The original poster (OP) also mentioned their hesitation between including “dick size” and “masculinity” as potential contenders, further emphasizing the complexity and variety of preferences within the gay community.

Do you agree with OP? Why or why not?

His question serves as a catalyst for a broader conversation about desirability and standards within the LGBTQ+ community. The emphasis on being white, muscular, and young aligns with many of the conventional standards of beauty and attraction that are prevalent in broader society. These standards can be seen in media representation, dating apps, and social interactions, where certain traits are often glorified while others are marginalized.

The mention of “dick size” and “masculinity” also touches on another layer of complexity. These aspects are often linked to societal perceptions of masculinity and sexual prowess, which can influence how individuals perceive themselves and others. The conversation around these traits highlights the pressures and expectations that exist within the community, which can sometimes perpetuate unrealistic or narrow standards of beauty and attraction.

It’s important to recognize that while these characteristics may be commonly discussed, they do not define the entirety of the gay experience or the diversity of preferences within the community. Each individual’s attractions and desires are unique, shaped by personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and individual values.

Anyway, the responses to the Reddit post varied, with some users agreeing with the listed traits while others shared different perspectives.

Specifically, one respondent shared, “The muscular kind of. What I’ve found specifically is that their pecs need to stick out further than their stomach with proportional arms. If you have that, then you’re golden.” On the other hand, someone replied, “In my personal experience, it’s youth. It’s hella creepy how many more guys I pulled at 16 than 26.” Meanwhile, another gay man replied, “It depends on age. My reference is three things I like about my husband, I guess. 1 – he is a career man and intelligent. 2 – he is emotionally available and has a sense of humor. 3 – complimenting number 2, his emotional availability also makes him vulnerable in the bedroom. He stays in decent shape and has a nice, curved cock.” This diversity of opinions underscores the fact that the gay community is not monolithic; it is made up of individuals with a wide range of experiences and preferences.

Having said all that, what about you, guys? What for you are are some characteristics or attractive traits of an ideal partner or boyfriend? Share with us your thoughts and stories in the comments section below!

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