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Have you ever been stealthed, guys?

We are asking because a recent online post brings the question above to mind. The original poster of the thread shared, “I just got stealthed.” He continued:

So, I just got stealthed and went to the emergency room. The doctor and nurse treated it quite casually. I asked for PEP and they gave me three pills for the next three days.

Was I overthinking this? I got so paranoid and googled it, I saw that someone in my situation should take pep within the next 72 hours. And take the dose for 28 days (while I’m taking it for three days). The other person is not on prep and neither am I. I feel like shit, haven’t told anyone about this and it’s kinda eating me up.

“Stealthing” refers to the non-consensual removal of a condom during sexual activity, and it’s a concern that has affected individuals within the LGBTQ+ community.

Stealthing is a breach of trust that can have serious physical and psychological consequences. In the context of the LGBTQ+ community, this issue goes beyond the act itself; it touches on broader concerns related to consent, communication, and sexual health. Addressing stealthing requires a multifaceted approach that prioritizes open dialogue and mutual respect.

The Importance of Communication:

Communication is the cornerstone of healthy and consensual relationships. In the LGBTQ+ community, fostering an environment where individuals feel comfortable discussing boundaries, expectations, and preferences is crucial. Establishing clear communication channels helps create a foundation of trust, making it less likely for incidents like stealthing to occur.

Educating and Raising Awareness:

Educational initiatives play a vital role in preventing stealthing. Community organizations, healthcare providers, and LGBTQ+ advocates can contribute to awareness campaigns that emphasize the importance of consent, communication, and safe sexual practices. Empowering individuals with knowledge about their sexual health and rights is key to fostering a community that values respect and consent.

Seeking Support:

If someone experiences stealthing, seeking support is essential. Local LGBTQ+ organizations, mental health professionals, and sexual health clinics can provide guidance, counseling, and resources for individuals navigating the aftermath of such an experience. Creating safe spaces for survivors to share their stories and access support is crucial for healing and raising awareness.

Legal Considerations:

In certain countries, like Germany and the United Kingdom, stealthing is considered a form of sexual violence and is subject to legal consequences. Meanwhile, in the United States, particularly in California and Maine, stealthing is illegal and is classified as a civil offense. Read more here.

For more information about stealthing and how to protect yourself, read here.

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