(Photo Credits: Dean Drobot from Shutterstock)

How old were you when you started to venture into the dating scene, guys?

Whether we started dating during our teenage years or in our 20s, I’m pretty sure there were things like “rules” in the gay community about dating that we wish we knew about sooner. If only to, you know, spare us from heartaches and disappointments.

The gay men on Reddit have a lot to say on the matter and we’re sharing some of their thoughts that we find relatable. For instance, one user cautioned: “Expect to be ghosted at some point in your life.” Another gay man, on the hand, observed, “They’ll kiss you fk you passionately and have no problem leaving at the end of the hookup then forget about you lol.”

Meanwhile, one guy advised, “If you enjoy raw dogging, get on PrEP and have regular STD checks.”

Further, here is a piece of advice that’s a personal favorite of mine because I think it’s full of wisdom. The user said:

Invest in your friendships and your family even when you have a man. It’s easy to get swept up in a haze of love and romance during a new relationship, but keep your circle close. Don’t forget the ones that were there in the beginning.

Anyway, if you wish to read the thread in full, click here. Before I leave you today, I’d like to share that yes, I also experienced being ghosted – by a date and by a boyfriend. The first time the former happened, a guy I’d been chatting up with online stood me up during our supposedly first date. Thankfully, there’s such a thing as Adam4Adam’s Video and Audio Calls now. With this feature, we are able to connect with other guys in real-time not to mention we can see their faces so we know they are real and not someone who is trying to catfish us.  Read more about this feature here.

Another personal dating advice I’d like to share is for you to learn to give others a chance. I know we all have a type or preference. Maybe we prefer someone who’s tall, dark, and handsome so to speak; or someone who’s taller or younger or older than us. But now that I’m older, all I can say is that let’s not be so quick to say no or to dismiss them just because they don’t fit our type. Who knows, we might be compatible with them and they might be our next partner.

Having said all that, what about you, guys, what dating advice would you give to gay men who are new to dating? Were there “rules” in the gay community about dating that you wish you knew about sooner? If so, what were they? Kindly share with us your thoughts and stories in the comments section below!

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