(Photo Credits: Uriel Mont from Pexels)
When was the last time you went on a first date, guys? How did it go, do you still remember what happened? More importantly, how do you make first dates less awkward?
Anyway, we are asking because I was watching The Ugly Truth (2009, Robert Luketic) and the protagonist named Abby (played by actress Katherine Heigl), had a list of questions to ask her date. I thought that it was funny, but it also made me think, do other people really make a list of questions to ask their date?
For me, it’s important that you keep the conversation alive and interesting, but you’ll need to keep potentially uncomfortable topics off the table during first dates as well.
What are these topics? Well, death, for example, finances, religion, anything sexual and political, or else you might end up punching each other right there in the middle of a restaurant. Just kidding, on the other hand, while it is a bit of a stretch but these topics could indeed make your date uncomfortable, so you two most likely won’t have a second date if that happens.
In any case, here are some things that you can ask your date or some neutral topics that you can talk about: pets. Does he have a cat or a dog? What about traveling, does he love doing that? What is his favorite place on earth? In addition, which does he prefer: the beach over the mountains? Why? What’s his favorite pastime? Is it cooking, gardening, playing PS5, or maybe watching movies on Netflix or does he love reading instead?
We also took a look at what gay and bisexual men on Reddit love to talk about on a first date and one of them said, “What do you do for fun? What inspires you? When things are hard, what do you do?”
Meanwhile, one guy advised asking their dates “Open-ended questions that can lead to short but elaborate answers. No yes/no questions.” Read the thread in full here.
What about you, guys? What do you love to ask on a first date? Comment below!
Hips or lips? Spit or swallow? And the old standard, “What’s a nice boy like you doing at an orgy like this?”
How long have you been single?
Wow, these days considering how far we’ve come/gone, this is quite hard, actually, to “get it right” because there’s just entirely too much to avoid in terms of the deviousness/dishonesty. The new climate of politics, economics, status of heath to name a few. A “seasoned” man is more likely to try to flush-out what someone could be more than likely hiding; so, what do want out of that date or any date, a hook-up, boyfriend/lover or just a good friend? It depends on the stage of ones’ life; when I was just a newly outted 20yr., old in 81′, it… Read more »
We are so divided these days because we’ve listened to the people who say “never discuss death, finances, religion, anything sexual and political.” Doing so only allows them to control the conversation and get what they want from you. But in the end it has caused us to have major misunderstandings and a total lack of communication about issues that are important to all of us. It has caused us to be divided over any single one of many issues. These topics can be discussed delicately and with care and with acceptance so we can be closer and better understood… Read more »
I think one should be as open as possible on your first date without being offensive. My position is small talk is fine, but communicating sincerely, candidly and honestly especially related to hot topics. I believe most of us want to know where others stand and why they’ve taken that position. It has been my experience playing it safe on a date results in a “nice, but no interest” from both parties.
Why would you meet face-to-face on “a date” if a lot of discussion had not gone on beforehand online? Especially, topics like religion and politics. I don’t care if a guy and I don’t line up in the same religious beliefs; I do care if he’s an ass about our differences. I don’t care if a guy and I don’t line up along Party lines: I do care if he’s an ass about our differences. I won’t challenge him on them. If he’s going to go ape-shit and jump down my throat, yelling that I’m “fucked up” in his controlling… Read more »
It’s my opinion when two people meet, they should show their best side first so not to be off putting to each other. Everyone likes a drink of water, but who really wants a title wave? It’s a first date, its a greet ‘n’ meet, not a job interview with top security clearance! Some things should have been discussed before meeting any way. A statement I see a lot in profiles say, “Ask anything, I’m an open book!” Well . . . I’m not an open book and some things I don’t share with strangers. Maybe in time, when we… Read more »
For the observant, it’s “tidal wave!” Damn the spell checker!
This is interesting, My ONE pre-date question is “Do you smoke ANYTHING?” If they do, there will be no date. There’s no surer sign of problems than smoking. I think the basics about job, family, etc can tell you a lot about someone and are pretty generic. Even what you or they want to to on the date can communicate a lot. BUt I am the wrong one to even make suggestions. My last date was in August of 2018. I realized I had been ON a date in February of 2019. I was out with a friend who got… Read more »
A first date I had once, asked me what kind of men I find attractive. Naively I answered truthfully and he did not fit the description.
It was our first, and last date. LOL
Better to be honest from the start.
the best first date I was ever on was with this guy named Barrett…. it was a little awkward at first but he started the conversation.. started out with small talk.. Then I ask him what he would like to do…and he answered if you don’t mind I would like to stay home and get to know each other…and he put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.. He as tall, very handsome, and I was getting hornier by the minute. I could see the big bulge in his pants growing bigger and bigger.. I put… Read more »
At first meetings, I look the guy in the eyes and say “the first meeting and hug are always awkward. Let’s get them out of the way.” And off we go!
I ask my questions before meeting to save us both time. I won’t someone who smoke, drink or do drug…all that equal bad breath, Are the affectionate, smooth, kiss interested, ect….
I meant someone who DON’T smoke, drink or do drug….NOT MY TYPE
I don’t trust people in general; that don’t have any ‘vice’ at all. I have mine, “midnight toker” and I just adore red-wine or wine in general. If and when I’m out to a nice dinner, give me a Saphire Martini w/lemon twist alongside of my appetizer.
Having a martini with dinner isn’t a vice. Don’t confuse “moderate pleasure or indulgence” with “vice”. They’re not the same thing.
Combine those vices together and you got foul breath. You ever seen a long term smoke coughing up phlegm? That’s some nasty stuff… I like to kiss so people with vices aren’t on my kissing list.
Call me old-fashioned, but I prefer someone who knows about subject-verb agreement and can properly punctuate a sentence. Asking too much?
I’m 45 and I’ve literally never been on a date before, and not for a lack of trying; rather, it’s because in the state I live in the men don’t want to be friends with each other, let alone date. I’ve lost count of the local Gay men who’ve told me that the sight or thought of two men kissing is a turn off! I’ve been so lonely for companionship/ friendship over the years that I’ve contemplated suicide! We speak a lot about how bullying instigates GLBT+ suicide, but we never talk about how our own behavior and standoffishness can… Read more »
Suicide is a permenant solution for a typically temporary problem. I love kissing, but I don’t dismiss people that hate it…especially a friend that hates it. I want more people in my life. Some will be acquaintences, some friends, some lovers. My connection with them may ultimately lead me to Mr. Right. The message is, have conversations and don’t dismiss anyone that is not 100 percent identical to you in all things. You may benefit just from knowing them, and vice versa of course.
good luck.
It can be hard making friends or finding someone to date. But when you are having thoughts of suicide because of how other gay people act or relate to others, I would highly recommend: Calling the National Suicide Hotline 800-273-8255 You can’t control what others think or do, or whether they like you are not. But you can control and decide to accept and love yourself for who you are today, and you can decide that before you put more effort or worry into finding a date or making friends that you will focus on accepting yourself as you are,… Read more »
Are any of the items listed in your profile really true?
You should probably also get sex out of the way sooner rather than later. There’s nothing worse than having “waited” to have sex with your date only to find out that they’re lousy in bed. Lousy sex partners NEVER get to great sex. You’ll be lucky if he gets to mediocre sex. Now, you’ve developed feelings and it’s much harder to get rid of him unless you find out on date 1 or 2
how hung are you? what’s the size of your D, honey? cuz if you less than a 4 and higher than a 9 i’m gonna have to think that’s yo shoe size and we’re done, OUT!