(Photo Credits: William Choquette from Pexels)
Speaking of things and habits that we should no longer do, a gym located in West Hollywood has kindly reminded its members not to have sex in the men’s locker room.
Attention Members,” their message, which they wrote on a flyer and posted at the gym, began. “Please DO NOT HAVE SEX in the Men’s Locker Room! You can have sex *literally* anywhere else, just not at Crunch Fitness. Otherwise, your membership will be immediately revoked. Please keep this safe space for all Crunchers.
A Twitter user called @rossiferrrr had originally posted about it including a picture of the flyer (shown below) with the caption, “Tell me you work at a gay gym without telling me you work at a gym.”

The tweet has since then been deleted from Twitter, nevertheless, the post had immediately captured people’s attention, specifically the gay men on Reddit where a copy of the image had made its way. One of the them pointed out: “As a business manager, I wonder whether I would explicitly ask people to ‘not have sex’ in the locker rooms.” He added, “Might that not have the (presumably unintended) side effect of essentially advertising the fact that their locker room is cruisy? Assuming they really want to reduce such activity I would probably go about it in a different way.” To which another guy suggested, “Maybe it’s actually a clever marketing ploy 👀”
Whatever the case is, people at the gym may really feel inclined to have sex or at least fantasize about having sex at the gym after a good workout. This is because, according to sex expert Alyssa Dweck, MS, MD: “the endorphins that come with physical activity don’t just improve your mood — their release can make you feel aroused, too.” Further, she explained, “Other feel-good brain chemicals, like dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, get a boost when you work out, which could only make your mind wander more.” Dr. Beck also added that the gym goers’ workout attire makes it “easier at the gym to imagine people without their clothes, doing sexy things, than it is, say, at the bank.”
Having said all that, do you have gym sex fantasies, guys? Maybe it’s no longer a fantasy for you but a reality? Share with us your thoughts and stories in the comments section below!
When I belonged to a gym, i use to have sex in the locker room all the time. The steamroom, the Sauna,the Whirlpool. One on one and sometimes a group of guys. Didn’t consider it a gay gym. Most of the guys participating were “straight “ and married. Just part of the workout! A Happy Ending! What happens in the lockerroom… stays in the Lockerroom!
It’s funny when so many Gay guys brag they “got the ‘Straight Guy(s).” What they got was Bi or Gay guys who simply didn’t fit the stereotypical mold for “Gay” guys pressed upon society by “The Community.” Guys who like sex with other guys, but who aren’t fem/flamboyant/fairies. Guys for whom being attracted to other guys is a lesser characteristic about who they are.
Not necessarily, for some people it’s just curiosity especially if they had alot of pressure put on them by their families to act a certain way growing up. I think most gay men forget that whether you’re having sex with a woman or topping a guy the same nerve endings get stimulated and for many people that’s all that matters. It is no indication of sexuality.
So in other words, toxic homophobic, masculinist bullshit.
Honestly that is just reprehensible behavior I will never understand why gay men engage in risky and illegal sex practices and then complain that straight people stereotype them. Have some class and dignity.
No, I don’t because I prefer my sex to be clean, not all sweaty, which is what I equate with gyms & workouts. That said, a long time ago I was in a hotel gym locker room getting changed. There was a very hot guy right next to me also getting changed. We did not exchange any sort of suggestive glimpses but at one point, I squatted down to the floor to pick up my sneakers. Right next to me within maybe a foot of my mouth was his cock (not erect) as he was completely nude and I don’t… Read more »
Read this exact story before
Not from me you didn’t – or did you mean it’s a pretty common story?
Here is an “Old Adage” full of logic & common sense…
never shit where you go, eat, sleep or otherwise…engage! Shit spreads, sticks and involves far more than the individuals who spread it.
A Time & Place for all things. A gym is a gym; It is public not private, unless otherwise posted, and should be respected that not everyone wishes to engage.
No moralizing here…just being logical…with common sense… .
You have a shit phobia… soap fixes it.
Common Sense & Logic alleviates the necessity for soap & water…!
Even at my worst having sex with me rates way better than shitting. Maybe you should set your sights higher or get more practice LOL.
Having been in the W. Hollywood Crunch I would say this: If he’s worth having sex with then he’s worth going somewhere else to do it. Reminder: the whole world (even in W. Hollywood) is not gay and the straight members may not get the enjoyment of having two dudes screwing in the locker room. Sort of like MAKING gay guys look at some straight porn before getting to the gay part of the movie. Fair enough?
It’s interesting. It has been years since I had a gym membership, but I do remember a similar notice at family fitness center (now 24 hour fitness). It wasn’t this blunt, but everyone got the message. There was a lot of sexual activities going on in locker rooms, showers, the sauna , the steam room, you name it. There were ongoing complaints from guys being stared at, grazed, and approached in the locker room and catching guys in the act, as if they were trying to hide it! When it slowed down, the older guys were the ones who were… Read more »
I’ve had sex just about everywhere. Even been caught having sex a few times. Never been arrested nor suffered any bad consequences though. Because rather than condemning me, anyone who caught me just wanted to join in! It’s not fair but pretty (and well hung) people get to live better richer lives, if they have any brains that is. Stupid pretty people don’t turn out any better than anyone else though. I’ve been married to a hot tech genius who banks millions, for 27 years now. We fuck 2-3 times a week still! Life is grand.
Let me see why do straight people have a negative opinion of gay people! Because gay men confirm them! You want to be thought of in a certain way, then act that way, Stop proving them right.
Man, I second that emotion! Stop acting like a fuckin’ retard and you won’t be treated as such.
I never had intercourse in a gym locker room but I’ve had plenty of sexual contact. Every gym I’ve ever belonged too there was cruising and sexual activity going on in the men’s locker room. And these were not gay gyms. I mainly only masturbated with other guys in the showers or in the sauna. And honestly it was hot and I enjoyed it. Sometimes it led to a hook up where we’d go to one or the others place afterward I was a serious gym member too and actually worked out. Then the jack sessions in the shower were… Read more »
I’ve been working out at a gym since I was a teenager. I’ve seen guys having sex and I’ve done it more times than I can count, but not in the locker room. The locker room is far to open a space and some people may not appreciate what you are doing. I always discretely do it in the showers behind a curtain, steam room, the jacuzzi, and sometimes the sauna. If I’ve been eye flirting with a guy while I’ve been in the gym and he’s wanting to discretely play, we’ll find a quiet place that is not in… Read more »
I have fantasized about sex in the locker room but had not happened yet!! I have even walked the the locker room looking for a guy to enjoy. No luck. There are some good thoughts in the previous comments!! And not doing it is protege right thing to do!! But I am still fantasizing
If public is your thing, go fuck at a bathhouse. Straight guys don’t want to see this, and although I’m a horny gay bastard, even I wouldn’t want to. Not at Crunch.
I think this is a isolated issue. I been a gym member for years. What I see in the gym is serious minded people of all kinds working out. When we watch porn, we see scenes with well-built, hung, oiled bodied, attractive gay guys having sex in the public locker rooms. We know that’s only porn. We also know that there is very, very, low percentage of guys having sex in public gyms.
I want a sign that says “You’re a 100 year old, liver-spotted Troll, please cover up your shit.:
Peter Pan said he’d never grow up, get old. You have plan to keep your hair from turning gray or falling out? And one for maintaining fabulous abs? And wrinkle-free skin? And without picking up those few extra pounds? All without thousands of dollars of surgery that in the end makes you look like a manequin? GREAT! Share!
That is just one reason ‘why’ it’s good to be black, of African descent, primarily, lmao! Haven’t lost much of anything, yet, good ole’ African genes, “the black don’t crack” baby, lmao!
As often as it happens, and as hot as it makes a porn video, it is utterly tasteless and unacceptable to have sex in a locker room. Sex gets messy, and leaves personal “traces” in places people assume “other people will clean.” In addition to the entitled narcissism of spreading one’s effluvia without any concern for the others who have to deal with it, it is as inappropriate as doing it in the middle of a busy shopping mall, and further compounds the narcissism of personal gratification at any cost with the visual assault upon those who have not consented… Read more »
Many will disagree with me, but I find. it crude to have sex in the gym.
It’s one thing to meet or encounter, but that’s when/where the two of you: using good judgement and having the respect for the public/ place of business, go elsewhere. I have, hell we went to my place.
95% of the guys headed to steam or sauna after a workout will be looking to finish off the muscle swinging between their legs.
This “problem” seems to harken back to America’s intellectually spiritual “founding fathers” of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, Governor John Winthrop Sr. and dear enlightened Cotton Mather, and their obsessionw about sex. Sex is normal. Sex is part of life. Sex occurs. Sex is not offensive. Oozes from the penis are encouraged at urinals— are we to forbid those, too, just because we should treat yellow oozes the same as white oozes. (Maybe so in these days of cancel culture and over-reliance on FF Tom J’s political verity!) While perhaps (y’think!) a little tacky and exhibitionistic, exactly why should a couple… Read more »
Because it is illegal to have sex in public and can land you in a load of trouble. I also go to the gym to work out and nothing else. I don’t want some creepy old guy trying to cruise me in the locker room or walk in on a couple of old prunes having sex.
Also, it might also be a bit educational and enlightening for homophobic heterosexual gym members to observe exactly how things are done—perhaps quite a societal good thing.
Most likely a shy straight man wishing he had the balls to join in while naked at his locker, hiding his hardon/woodie, that will go home and jerk off. Really, come on we have all had our fair share of fantasies of awesome younger buff men and college boys hairless all sweaty and wishing i could have that body under me as i pin him to the shower wall fucking his brain’s out.. really,Grow up. That is why we have gay bathhouses where you can go and work out naked if you so desire..I agree, what you wear or next… Read more »
How sad that such a notice had to be posted. If one’s impulses are that strong perhaps a gay bath house might be a better choice.
I have sucked some very hot men in gym locker rooms.
Ive had sex in locker rooms. it great
I have to admit I did have sex at the gym and actually it was great I did know the guy prior to our sexual encounter I knew he was gay an he knew I was so after a few weeks of working out together it happened in the locker room
Perhaps a simple reminder that the locker room is “a public space for the purpose of clothes changing and showering” would have been more professional and less dramatic.
Just shows a lack of class and self control.
I have had sex at my gym…in the saunas and steam rooms I sucked dick and in the single user toilet room I got fucked a few times and once in a gang shower there were five of us jacking off together. Of course its not permitted and you have to be very careful. I love the gang shower rooms where I can check out naked men. Of course I look as do most other guys. To stop the sex at my gym they created what I called the homo-patrol but they called it security. Those guys would walk around… Read more »
The mere thought of having sex at a gym is just disgusting. And if you have done this and are proud of it…seriously, what the hell is wrong with you? The fact that a gym actually has to ask it’s member not to have sex on the premises is just horrifying and yet further proof as to why gay men are so shameful. And yes, I am a gay man. Albeit one with proper morals and values….and some self respect and dignity.
It should not happen. Not the reason to go to the gym. Go home get a room anything but the gym is not a bath house.It’s the last thing I want to see is someone else having sex. A great lack of respect. for other people. The main reason why sexualy transmitted infection is out of control is because of acts like this. Most gay people feel they have the right to just do it anywhere they do not care. I care for myself and the carrying on like this makes other people think every gay guy does this. It’s… Read more »
Bet their enrollments declines sharply.
I’ve fantasized about bottoming in the gym locker room, wouldn’t mind have one good session.
I been picked up in the gym but never had sex in the gym. Mostly picked in the stream room, or changed out if workout cloths, or picked up while working out. There are a few hit men with nice cock and that is how it happened. I mostly got picked up and a few times I was the one lucking up a guy. When I git picked up it was fun going to his place. But, never at the gym.