Could America soon have an out gay president? That’s not a certainty just yet, but one thing that is for certain is that Pete Buttigieg will be the first out gay politician to take part in a presidential debate.
Buttigieg was able to achieve this after amassing 65,000 donors, the minimum number required to take part in the official Democratic debates. The South Bend, Indiana mayor made the announcement on Twitter, thanking his supporters at the same time.
Thanks to you, we hit the @TheDemocrats 65,000 donor goal in order to be invited to the first debate. But we are going to need to raise a lot more money to compete.
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) March 16, 2019
A spokesman with the Pete for America Exploratory Committee spoke to a local Indiana ABC affiliate, saying “We are building a community that believes in this bold vision for the future, and there are tens of thousands of people (75,025 to be exact) around the country who invested because they believe a midwestern, millennial, war veteran, mayoral voice should be part of the conversation.”
While Buttiegieg is not a household name, he has been gaining traction especially after his impressive performance at a recent CNN Town Hall. One particular quote outlined his accomplishments, especially when compared to the current president and vice-president of the United States.
“I have more years of government experience under my belt than the president. I also have more years of executive government experience than the vice president, and more military experience than anybody to walk into that office on day once since George H. W. Bush.” #CNNTownHall
— Pete Buttigieg (@PeteButtigieg) March 11, 2019
After the CNN Town Hall, Buttiegieg raised over $600,000 in 24 hours.
Aside from being a mayor, Buttigieg is also an Afghanistan war veteran, deployed there back in 2014. Buttigieg cam out to his constituents in 2015 through an essay published in the South Bend Tribune. And according to Times editor Anand Giridharadas, Buttigieg apparently also learned Norwegian so he could read books in its original language.
A true story about @PeteButtigieg.
— Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) March 16, 2019
Are you guys excited about the possibility of Pete Buttigieg becoming America’s first gay president? What issues and advocacies do you want him to focus on? Tell us what you guys think in the comments section below.
it would be nice to have him as our next President, but I believe the majority of the votes would be for LGBT only. If he is able to put on a good fight, knowledgeable enough and kick off some of the rest of the group he might have a change. I for sure would love to have him in, and for him to be a vet, plus is open to work with every one in Washington, maybe we can have the America that we used to have before this non knowledgeable man we got now
vote Buttigieg in 2028 (or in 2032), make it happen, honey! ♥
I am more concerned about his political views on Immigration, Terror, Economy, Drugs, Term Limits, Military capabilities than I am about whether or not he is gay or straight. So am I excited, NO. After I hear his platform, I may become excited.
I agree completely. He does speak well and some interesting policies but will have to go more in depth. Plus if he wants to be taken seriously he will have to be close to flawless.
Ill follow mayor pete all the way
If he isn’t corrupt like many other Dems, he should run as an independent. If he has something that sets him apart above the others he would have more of a chance as an independent.
Independents don’t ever stand a chance. This country is obsessed with the declared, two party system and does not welcome nor vote for any other.
You mean if he isn’t corrupt like many other politicians…Dems don’t own the market on that.
most Dems are almost never corrupt, honey
Dems are not corrupt, honey
I don’t vote for politicians based on their sexual preferences. I’ll take a wait and see attitude towards him before I make up my mind.
Amen, brother…..but MANY do.
i vote for politicians based on their sexual preferences, honey, check check and CHECK!
Buttigieg Is Who The GLBTQ Voters Should Be Supporting And Standing Behind 1000%, Noooo!, But Some Of You In This Community Would Rather Vote/ Support Conservatives, How Much Do You Care For The GLBTQ Community, Yourselves? When Will Some You Come To The Realization That The RED Side Absolutely Do Not Give 2 F**ks About You Whatsoever? But Some Of Y’all Continuously Time After Time Opening Pandora’s Box And Vote/Support And Stand Behind One’s That Rather You Not Exist. It Doesn’t Make Any Since For That Kind Of Ignorance To Spill Over In This Community. IS TRUMP/PENCE MAKING GLBTQ GREAT… Read more »
1000% based on Sexual Orientation only???? WTF???
No wonder our community can’t be taken seriously.
Hopefully any American with brains would vote for a candidate who has great ideas for the majority of our country (you can’t please everybody) and NOT just because of their color, gender, orientation, etc……which is what happened in the past.
In an article that is lengthy, as well as supportive, one of the major news outlets reported that LGTBQ+ organizations have yet to “throw in” for Buttigieg. It seems, then, that they are looking at the big picture. They’re not just jumping on a candidate because he’s gay, cute, hot, or has a last name that could be seen as tantalizing. They’re waiting to see how potential voters and other candidates respond to him. They’re looking to see where he stands on issues important to all voters, not just one demographic. Smart.
It doesn’t matter what his sexual orientation is, it’s not relevant, what is important is ones ability to do a job, it’s just more divisive rhetoric
Not happening….yet. This country can’t even elect its first female President. And we only elected the first Black President 11 yrs ago. America is one of the last holdouts for progress…
First Black President? Hmmmm, half of his family on his mothers side were caucasian.
Mayor Pete B is the ANTI-PENCE. He is a refreshing image for poor , fascist Indiana. why is it that this state gives us terrible GOP vice presidents ? Dan Quayle and Mike Pence.
So, Indiana needs to decide: HOOSIER DADDY ?
Honest To God!!!!
Here’s my take on him, judging from the video, he seems like a very likable guy and wish him all the good in the world. Yes he is very good looking I give you that lol! But he would really need to press issues that affects all Americans and not just the LBGTQ. In this day in age, being ‘nice’ isn’t good enough, as people prefer controversial brash trash talking president as we have here today…. Sadly, this country has gotten a 360 turn, became more conservative for some reason, and I don’t think we’re really there yet to have… Read more »
“…a 360 turn, became more conservative.” Last we knew, 360 degrees is a full circle. No change Thinking you mean 180 degrees. Yes, the US did take a turn. That turn was due to widespread intolerance for views of anything other than Left/Liberal/Democrat. People who believed in Conservative policies to any degree came under attack; were yelled at in public. People who were Christian came under attack; other Religions as well. People who were White came under attack. On the part of Left/Liberal/Democrats, it wasn’t a matter of “where can we find common ground?” It was a matter of “shut… Read more »
He’s a typically attractive midwestern man, being raised in the Midwest; nothing to write home about in that department, really. I don’t see the country being ready for “this” as of yet, either. I mean, we’re still dealing with the backlash of having elected our first African Amer., Pres., I sure, there are people (m.a.g.a.’s) still reeling from that, lmao! What’s more, I sure his age or lack thereof, will work against him, too. I cannot, get all jazzed-up about his running.
A Very Nice, Well Spoken, Weak Young Man.
We’ve Already Had One Of Those For Eight Years.
[…] 1. Pete Buttigieg – Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg is the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana who is currently seeking the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in the upcoming 2020 election. If elected, Buttigieg will not only be the first openly gay American president but also the youngest. […]
[…] have been several highlights to the Buttigieg campaign, one of which was becoming the first out gay politician to take part in a presidential debate. He accomplished this by reaching the 65,000 donor goal required by the Democratic Party for a […]
my hero indeed and so fucking hot, honey! Buttigieg for VP in 2028 .. make it happen!!!
LUV. U. PETEY. BABY!!! ♥♥♥
President B in 2028, if not, 2032, if not 2036, make it happen, honey!