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Adam4Adam blog readers, do you want to have children? Why or why not?

The decision to have children is one that many people face, and for gay and bisexual men, the question can come with additional layers of complexity. Somebody asked gay men to share their thoughts online regarding this topic. Some responses were heartfelt, while others revealed that parenthood is far from everyone’s goal.

Asking gay and bisexual men if they want to have children can bring out a wide range of responses, as each person has a unique perspective on parenthood. Adam4Adam readers, where do you stand on the subject? Do you dream of having kids one day, or is fatherhood not for you?

Here’s what some gay and bisexual men online have to say about it.

One popular response reads, “I wanted kids when I was younger. Then I got older and didn’t want kids. Now I want kids for dinner because the little bastards are annoying as hell.” This sentiment sums up the experience for some who may have once entertained the idea of having children but ultimately decided against it. Age and changing priorities can significantly influence a person’s desire to start a family.

For others, the answer is a clear and emphatic “no.” One respondent shared, “Fuck no. I can’t stand kids. I can’t stand their shitty parents who let them scream and do whatever they want. Like fuck off.” It’s not uncommon for some individuals to feel overwhelmed or put off by the behavior of children, especially when they see parents struggling to maintain control.

On the flip side, some men discovered their desire for children later in life. As one gay man shared, “My husband and I only met 5 years ago at the respective ages of 39 and 41. We didn’t want kids when we were younger. But after we met each other, we knew we wanted to raise a child together! We now have a baby boy who’s almost 2 years old! We adopted and we’re so happy.” This heartwarming story highlights how love and partnership can sometimes inspire a newfound desire to raise a family.

Of course, not everyone feels the need to become a parent. Another popular comment simply stated, “No. Didn’t want them before, don’t want them now.” Some people know early on that having children isn’t for them, and that decision remains unchanged over time. And that’s okay too.

Parenthood is a personal choice, and while some gay and bisexual men embrace the idea of raising a child, others are content without that experience. For many, the decision is shaped by their lifestyle, relationships, and individual preferences.

Adam4Adam readers, we want to know: where do you stand on the question of becoming a parent? Have your views on fatherhood changed over time, or have you always been certain about your stance? Let us know if you want kids or if you’re living your best life without them!

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