(Photo Credits: Lopolo from Shutterstock)

When it comes to men and sex, everyone has their own tastes and preferences. For some, size matters, but what happens when it matters a little too much? Have you ever found yourself saying no to a guy because his penis was just too big? For many gay men, this can be an interesting dilemma — one that raises the question: Is a big penis a deal breaker for you?

It’s easy to assume that bigger is always better, but that’s not always the case. While some men love the idea of a larger-than-average partner, others may feel intimidated or worried about discomfort. Let’s be honest: sex should be enjoyable for both partners, and sometimes size can make things a little more complicated than anticipated. So, where do you stand on the issue?

We’ve heard stories from guys who have had to say “no” when faced with a particularly well-endowed partner. Maybe they were afraid it would hurt, or perhaps they were simply uncomfortable with the idea of taking on that much. As one user on Reddit’s r/askgaybros said, he tried to go for it, but halfway through he realized it just wasn’t going to work for him. Because of this experience, he is now asking gay and bisexual men online, “Have you ever said no to a guy because his penis was too big?” Further, he shared:

I had sex with this guy recently. We did everything from blowing each other, to him fingering me, to me topping him. The last thing he wanted to do was top me which I was really reluctant to do because he had a very thick penis which I wasn’t sure my ass could handle. I let him fuck me and tried to endure the pain and destruction of my hole but it was too much and I told him to stop after a minute.

I wonder how common this problem is. Has anyone here said no because he was too large for you to handle?

On the flip side, other gay men view a big penis as a challenge they’re more than willing to accept. For some, it’s about the excitement, the intensity, or the feeling of taking things to the next level. But even those who are enthusiastic about size know that it can come with some tricky situations. Proper communication, preparation, and comfort are key to making it work.

We’re curious to hear your take. Have you ever had to turn someone down because they were packing more than you were comfortable with? Or, maybe you’re one of those guys who welcomes the challenge. Do you see a big penis as something you’d avoid, or is it something you might be willing to work with if your connection with the other guy is strong enough?

At the end of the day, it’s about what makes you feel good and comfortable in the moment. Share your thoughts and experiences — have you ever said no to a guy because his penis was too big? Is having sex with someone well-endowed something that would make you reconsider, or is it not an issue at all? Let’s hear from you in the comments section below, Adam4Adam readers!

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