(Photo Credits: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
Supernatural actor Misha Collins came out as bisexual during Creation Entertainment’s Supernatural Official Convention last Saturday. The 47-year-old actor, best known for his role as Castiel on CW’s Supernatural, said during the Q&A with the audience, “How many of you would consider yourself introverts? How many extroverts? And how many bisexuals? I’m all three.”
Collins then proceeded to joke that it would have been “weird” if he only asked the audience his last question and not added the others. “See, it would have been weird if I just said: ‘By a show of hands, how many bisexuals are in the audience?’ But I’d rather do it as a questionnaire, that’s more socially acceptable.”
Watch the moment below:
Having said all that, are you a fan of Supernatural, guys? If you don’t know what that is, Supernatural was a long-running TV show by CW about the demon-hunting brothers named Sam (played by actor Jared Padalecki) and Dean Winchester (played by actor Jensen Ackles). And of course, because there were demons, it followed that there were also angels in the show and there was one particular angel highlighted all throughout, and his name is Castiel (the character played by actor Misha Collins).
There was a total of 15 seasons, which ran from September 2005 to November 2020, though Cas first appeared in season 4.
Yep, it’s there where I first saw him, I was hooked on the said show because of its story, and the acting of the main characters, but most importantly, I particularly loved the interaction between Dean and Cas. I have actually been shipping the two of them since then (please note that I wasn’t the only one, a lot of fans were), and as the last season approaches its end, reports said that Cas came out as gay.
I have yet to watch seasons 14 and 15, but reportedly, Cas confessed to Dean. He said, “You’re the most caring man on earth, you are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know.” He added, “Knowing you has changed me, because you cared. I cared. I cared about you… I cared about the whole world, because of you. Dean, I love you.”
Anyway, apart from being an actor, Misha Collins is also an author. He has a poetry collection out called Some Things I Still Can’t Tell You though if you heard Collins’ voice already you might want to buy its audiobook version instead.
Collins is the co-founder of Random Acts, a nonprofit organization that funds acts of kindness. It was created in 2010 to “inspire kindness in Haiti and beyond.” Read more about it here.
He married Victoria Vantoch in October 2001. They have two kids, a son named West and a daughter named Maison.
Update: On April 26, 2022, Misha Collins apologized through his Instagram account for “misspeaking this weekend” and clarified that he is straight. See his full statement below:
How can you be an introvert and an extrovert at the crane time? Also, a man can tell another man that they love them without meaning they are gay. I think people are reading a lot into that statement. Otherwise Supernatural is a real good show. Shame they didn’t keep the show running a bit longer.
Yes it does mean that and sorry you seem to be clueless about it but logically speaking only a man knows what another man wants.
No it does not mean that because it’s the same thing as you could say another man’s attractive and it doesn’t have to be sexual or did you come off as gay My father was married to my mother for over 40 years was not gay and he could say whether another man was attractive there’s nothing sexual or makes you gay and saying that and I’ve known other men in my family that were that were married had children and we’re married to women if we’re going to be that technical because I know you bitches are going to… Read more »
I think it is reasonable that Misha knew – exactly – what he was saying… .
It served its purpose as it caused controversy which gave him an immediate audience. It stirred-the-pot and it brought fourth 15 minutes-of-fame-as Andy Warhol defined.
It was neither revolutionary nor revelatory…just the usual, expected, bit of tidbit that actors and actress use to – either – create publicity to stir the interest of someone in Hollywood or endear them to the Press and Audience that…”Hey, I am a nice guy/girl.”
Today’s Headlines is Tomorrow’s Garbage!
I still wanted Jared and Jensen to make out…IN EVERY EPISODE.
This is from PEOPLE
“I am deeply sorry for the clumsiness of my language,” Misha Collins wrote on Twitter after seemingly coming out as bisexual at a fan event over the weekend
By Dory Jackson and Glenn Garner
Updated April 25, 2022 07:51 PM
Misha Collins is clarifying recent comments after he appeared to come out as bisexual.
He’s an introvert, an extrovert, a bisexual (meaning he is comfortable with emotional and sexual relationships with others regardless of their sexual orientation), a father, a husband to a woman, and a philanthropist. What more could we want in a guy?
Reality maybe. He’s everything to everyone. He’d literally do anything for a role. Thirsty to put it mildly. I have some weeds I need pulled. Maybe a farmer too? Or Brokeback Plumber?
Guy was a used car salesman in a former life
HOW can you be an introvert AND an extrovert?
If you delusionary, you create a fantasy which overcompensate for a lack of talent.
One fills the void the other cause; hence, he can be all things to all people! It is Hollywood!
I have no idea why this “story” hasn’t already been taken down, but just to preempt any comments: HE MISSPOKE. HE’S NOT ACTUALLY BISEXUAL. HE WAS PUBLICLY CLARIFIED THE RECORD. We can now all move about our day as we otherwise would have.
He flapped his gums and then, realized, that he sealed his fate. Possibly, his publicist warned him to retrack his “Bisexuality Routine” or risk being labeled and otherwise denied future roles.
You remember Forrest Gump?: “Stupid Is As Stupid Does.”
Taken down? No. It should remain as a lesson to refer to going forward. Things happen; they were what they were at that moment in time. We should not just erase things of the past as though they did not exist just because they don’t meet how we want to paint the colors of today.
Not taken down, but there should be an edit for a correction to say he said he misspoke.
How quickly and full of changes lives for celebrities move! Don’t blink! You might miss incorrect news!
He’s clarified since making the comment that he’s not he’s been married to a woman since 2001 and so what if he was would that make any difference this is the problem when people get another peoples business about their sexuality or anything else for that matter if they’re gay so be it if you’re bisexual so be it if there whatever so be it it’s no one’s business & it’s not gonna change anything for you and certainly not for the person that you people would go on about like this topic
Please correct. He’s not bisexual and he’s has corrected himself.
He’s already said he was only kidding. The article is from 4 days ago.
he a STUD, honey! ♥
i wonder how big is THANG is, honey?
congrats on cumming out, stud! taste the rainbow each day and every day of your life (at least on your gay half, that is)