(Photo Credits: Lolostock – Apex Studios from Shutterstock)

A gay man on r/askgaybros recently posed a question that sparked a lively discussion: “What are some turn offs in gay porn for you?” He added:

“When the top pulls out before the bottom is about to ejaculate.

Too near-shots of their ass.

Probably the most common and annoying one: When they’re fucking really hot but the scene suddenly shifts and ends off to them doing a really lame solo jerk off scene.”

This question resonated with many viewers who had their own frustrations about the gay porn industry. See below:

Fake Rimming. One commenter didn’t hold back: “Fake rimming. Either do it or don’t bother. When it’s obviously fake, it’s a turn off.” For many, authenticity is key. When a scene relies on poorly executed illusions, it can ruin the mood entirely.

Women in Gay Porn: Another popular complaint was about the inclusion of women in gay porn. “At the risk of sounding misogynistic, I hate when women appear in gay porn. Whether it’s the girlfriend walking in on her boyfriend cheating, or a woman just watching the sex happen on the side. Or that ‘right in front of my salad’ video. Instant turn off.” While some may find these scenarios humorous or creative, others see them as unnecessary distractions in a genre meant to focus on male intimacy.

Campy or Misleading Performances: “Guys that are camper than Christmas pretending to be straight. Also, anything that claims to be ‘straight.'” The authenticity of performers often makes or breaks a scene. When actors fail to convincingly embody their roles, it can come across as disingenuous or overly theatrical.

Over-the-Top Lies: Many viewers expressed annoyance at exaggerated or blatantly false premises. One comment highlighted this: *”Lies like: ‘It’s my first time’ gets double penetrated, or ‘I’ve never tried anything with a guy before’ slurps down dick with exactly 00 gag reflex.” While some enjoy the fantasy aspect, others prefer more believable setups.

Bad Acting and Performance Issues: “Bad acting. Tops who seem to have trouble getting their dick hard.” A lack of chemistry or visible struggles with arousal can make a scene feel awkward or unappealing.

For many gay men, porn isn’t just entertainment—it’s a way to explore and affirm their sexuality. When certain elements detract from the viewing experience, it can feel disappointing or even alienating. Authenticity, chemistry, and attention to detail are crucial in creating content that resonates with viewers.

Adam4Adam blog readers,do you agree with these common turn-offs, or do you have your own pet peeves when it comes to gay porn? Are there specific elements that make or break a scene for you? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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