(Photo Credits: Screengrab from Lover of Men’s Official YouTube Account)

The life and legacy of Abraham Lincoln, one of America’s most revered presidents, has been studied for over a century, but a new documentary released on September 6 titled, Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln, directed by Shaun Peterson, invites viewers to reconsider what they think they know about the 16th president. This film delves into the ongoing debate among scholars about Lincoln’s sexuality, exploring the possibility that he may have been gay or bisexual.

For years, historians and researchers have speculated about Lincoln’s intimate relationships, particularly with several men who were close to him throughout his life. The documentary carefully examines letters, journals, and other historical documents that suggest Lincoln had deep and perhaps romantic relationships with men such as Joshua Speed, a close friend with whom Lincoln shared a bed for several years, and Captain David Derickson, who was rumored to have shared Lincoln’s bed during his presidency when Mary Todd Lincoln was away.

The film opens up a dialogue about the complexities of human relationships, especially in historical contexts where open discussions about sexuality were taboo. Landmark studies regarding this topic included C.A. Tripp, author of The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln (2005) and other historians who have explored this aspect of Lincoln’s life like Love Stories: Sex between Men before Homosexuality (2003) by Jonathan Ned Katz.

Some of the most intriguing points discussed in the documentary are Lincoln’s close friendships and correspondence with men, where language that was considered affectionate or intimate by today’s standards might have held different connotations in the 19th century. However, Peterson and his featured scholars argue that there are enough hints and indications to warrant a closer examination of Lincoln’s relationships. They also explore how understanding Lincoln’s potential queerness might influence how we view his empathy and progressive stance on certain social issues of his time.

It’s possible that Lincoln’s sexuality was more openly acknowledged during his era than it is in the present day. “In the 19th century, people were very familiar with the fact that Lincoln slept with men, and it was not considered shocking,” explains John Stauffer, a professor in the fields of English and African and African American Studies, who is featured in the documentary.

Lover of Men doesn’t just ask whether Lincoln was gay; it asks why it matters. For many, exploring Lincoln’s potential queerness is about reclaiming a more inclusive history and understanding how hidden identities have shaped American leadership. The documentary sheds light on the importance of looking at history through a broader lens, considering all possibilities rather than sticking strictly to heteronormative narratives.

As the film gains attention, it has sparked discussions on social media and among historians, encouraging people to think critically about how we define historical figures. While some may resist these interpretations, others see it as an opportunity to better understand the human complexities of one of America’s most iconic leaders.

Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln is a provocative and thoughtful exploration that challenges us to rethink the stories we’ve been told about one of America’s most famous presidents and consider the untold aspects that history might have missed.

Watch the trailer of Lover of Men: The Untold History of Abraham Lincoln below:

Happy viewing!

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