(Photo Credits: Ground Picture from Shutterstock)
They say that men in general—whether gay, bisexual, or straight—are obsessed with nudes.
How true is this statement for you, guys? Do you like sending sexy pictures of yourself to other men online? If you don’t like sending them, how do you feel about receiving nudes? Moreover, do you have a habit of collecting nudes and dick pics? Why or why not?
We took a look at what other gay and bisexual men think about the topic at hand on Reddit and one of the popular answers reads, “Because masturbation,” while another guy said, “Men are visual creatures.”
Meanwhile, one guy explained that for him, it all boils down to curiosity. He said, “I can’t speak for every guy, but for me, it was mostly curiosity about what other guys were packing and how it differed from myself.” Then he added, “Though I was always respectful if someone didn’t want to share nudes. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.”
And it’s just as he said, not everyone is up for it, just like this guy who replied, “IDK, if someone asked me for a nude I’d refuse as well. If they sent one I’d be like… fine… But all dicks kind of look the same, so IDK.”
But how normal is sending nudes to other people?
A reader survey conducted by GQ Magazine revealed that 59 percent of their readers ages 55 and up disagreed that sending nudes is the new normal. It’s quite the opposite for younger generations wherein 40 percent of 16- to 24-year-olds agreed that sending nudes is the new normal.
Clearly, sending nudes is not for everyone. But what about you, guys, do you agree or disagree that sending nudes is the new normal? Having said all that, how often do you get asked to send nudes or sexy selfies by strangers or a boyfriend? Do you agree to their request? Why or why not? Share with us your thoughts and stories in the comments section below.
I can honestly say that I know no one “obsessed” with any nude photos.
Yes, you do. You may not be aware of it, but you certainly do.
Yes I have been asked to send nudes of me. I’m 67, and my looks and body is fading a bit, but I still send them. I also like to receive nudes of other guys.
Liking something and “being obsessed” are two completely different things.
Wait virtually 60% of the older group disagreed and 40% of the younger group agreed, ummm that exactly the same
We are the only “Species” who get off on watching sex acts or receiving nudes!
Hence, it is within our genes to be aroused by the aforementioned.
it was film,
its pics from a computer or a phone.
What does change is the Media and the Medium!
We are also the only species who wear clothing, so all other species already see each other nude—always
We are also the only species who “Accessorize!”
Because men, we’re visual creature’s, hunters, wiring?
I think most gay men are lonely and depressed, deep down, and a nude photo gives a boost. Curiousness too. Each man is differently endowed, each real man. Especially their bush.
Some major psychological projection going on in this post.
It seems more like gay pornography was a major influencer and the only media, before we had the apps, we just had only bars and bathhouses, etc. Things are only starting to normalize now..
This is a deep instance of psychological projection.
Let’s be real, topic should be named: Why are GAYS obsessed with nudes.
Because hetero men are too, obviously, hell, we have all seen American movies; with guys staring at nude pics of women, for decades, i.e., “pinups.”
When it comes to hooking up? Sure I want to see nude pix of the other guy and I’m eager to show mine. I mean, we’re about to get naked with one another and possibly lock lips & tongues, engage in oral sex and have sexual intercourse. Shouldn’t we both know what we’re getting ourselves into (literally)?
Obsessed? I wouldn’t call it that. More like a requirement – for me at least.
It’s just a very natural thing that many of us enjoy. I enjoy a body pic and a cock pic done in good taste. But please no rectum pics. Not good. I am bi, and similar holds true with women. I am not a gynecologist and a vagina pic does nothing for me.
I’m up for sending nudes or receiving but the person I do it with has to be my kind of person… But I don’t like when it’s to clear, I like it when it teases my curiosity
I have been asked to send pictures of me I don’t have a problem with doing it and I have also had pictures sent to me with out me asking so it doesn’t bother me I like to see a nice cock and as for the guy who said they all look the same really hasn’t looked at one then because everyone has a different kind of cock some are big some are small some have big mushroom head’s and some don’t buy for me If I’m asked to send one I will .
I agree, sending nudes is the new normal for a wide segment of the population. You see a hot guy that you would like to get with, but you want to know before you go too far – what the other guy is packing. And does that ass look as good as it does in those jeans as it looks nude. Nudes are not a requirement; however, I don’t think I have ever been with someone that I have not seen nudes before we met in person.
I like seeing other guys bodies. And some guys like mine. I have no problem sharing pictures of all of my body.
For me I simply believe that the human form is the most beautiful piece of art on the earth. Ita an art form that has many facets it can be molded sculptured and chiseled to make it eye datching. It was made to be looked at and admired. I look at the whole package not just the main attraction. There are times when the chest attracts my attention then others have the sexiest thighs i have ever seen. But I feel the same about all the human form both male and female. Got a pic you wanna send?
Are these questions getting dumber? Running out of ideas?
Nudes don’t really tell you who a person is, but they are nice to look at.